Thursday, August 06, 2009

One day I'm going to crash like a trainwreck.

Date: 6th August 2009
Time : 6.15AM
Listening to : Bro's snoring
Where : Room - MC

6AM weiiii....... Been so so sooooooooo busy for the past few weeks. I didn't even have the time to rest. I was at William's printing shop everyday from 10AM to 8PM for the whole last week. And I hardly even get o sleep for the past couple of days. I am like a train that's going to crash one day if i continue working like this. I honestly feel that I might just break laaaa...... I cannot work like this anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I don't have a choice and I REALLY NEED TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!

I must be the worst president alive.



orilia said...

add oil to train XD

Tekkaus said...

Then try to get some sleep. You body really needs it. If you break down...a lot more people can't get your help and guidance!

Chen said...

Squeezing in some time to sleep. XD

saun said...

how should i put it? you have no time for sleep and hence no sleep. u should start multi-tasking in ur sleep.