Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Foolish idiot.

Date : 3rd November 2009
Time : 9.52PM
Listening to : Came to my rescue - Hillsong
Where : Room - Bandar Utama

I don't know how the heck I can endure this long. It's never easy. You. Yes YOU. Coward. Shallow. Irresponsible. And I have no idea how I can still stand you and bloody sayang you this much. Yes You. Only you. Stupid idiot. You cannot counter affection with hate. So stop trying to make me hate you. It's futile. If it works I would have hated you a long time ago and not watched your back all these while. You stupid crazy fool!!!!!!! So sooooooooooo foolish. Can't you do this the proper way? Must you try to be hurtful? Yer! Where got people so foolish one! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 

No. I am not even close to being mad at you now. Nothing is worth losing a friend. Pity. It' your call if you can accept the situation or not.




Tekkaus said...

Huh? You have a crush on someone?

Chen said...

XD Much more complicated than that la but hoestly I don't think it matters that much anymore.But not a crush.

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