Friday, April 27, 2007


Date : 27th April 2007
Time : 4.20PM
Where : Office
Listening to : The girl who stole the star - chrono cross

Okay. First, God, i thank you for my high ego regarding this matter. This ego was the only thing that kept me from sinning against You aside from the knowledge of what is good or right. Because of this ego, i did not reveal the truth. I know it is such contradiction to say this but it is this ego that prevented me from telling the truth. This ego i will keep.

Secondly, I surrendered. It's a story that i want to end. It ended well i guess. As an ordinary person, it did not end well for me but as a Christian, it ended perfectly for me. I am grateful. On second thought, i didn't surrender. I just won a spiritual battle. I hope i did.

Thirdly, I am safe. *grin*

Ends : 4.37PM

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