Date : 31st August 2008
Time : 2.45PM
Listening to : CSI Miami
Where : TV Room – Malacca
Happy Independence Day! Okay, to be honest, I’m not too much into Merdeka mood this year. Almost every year I tak rasa that semangat. Nothing much to look forward to especially with all those jams and human-packed streets. Anyway, I am going to blog about yesterday’s MGC Sports Day.
So we started the day very early. Melissa picked me up at 7.15AM. She drove us (Ju & Auntie Tina) to Taman Sayang Selasih, where the event was held. We parked in front of Mrs. & Mr. Chua’s place. Then Mrs. Chua ushered us in to the kitchen to have our breakfast. After that, we helped Mr. Chua to carry the equipments to the field. Just then Kah Wai, Sin Yee and Sin Lan reached.
A few kids were at the field already. And we had them registered. They were quite semangat la. And most of them ended up in Juliana’s group. Slowly, people started coming in. Children, parents, helpers. So it got pretty crowded. We have like 60++ children. And we haven’t even include the adults and youths yet. Uncle Rodney was the main organizer I think. The judges were Auntie Kim, Auntie Kiat Tin, Sister YuMing, Raymond and Auntie Judy. (Correct me if I am wrong guys). The group leaders and asst.leaders are:
White : Juliana & ShuLynn
Yellow : Kah Wai & Sin Yee
Purple : Yen Mei & Shaun
Red : Chen Li & Andy
Blue : Adrian & Livia
Photographers were Federick and Darel and also the random people who had cameras such as Sin Lan and Sharma. Melissa was in charge of registration. Sharma was the gamemaster. Mrs. Chua, Auntie Grace, Uncle Kian Boon, Auntie Tina, Mr. Chua and Auntie Nancy were helping out with the most important aspect of all… food& drinks and gifts! Oh, not to forget, Simon helped Uncle Rodney with the games too. Ehehehe… Many other church members were there too. Sorry if I missed out any names. I am so not good with names.
Anyway, thank God for the good weather and great response. Yes, it was pretty scorching hot that day, still, it was all fun nonetheless. There were a lot of kids. I am not sure of other groups lah but for my team red, I have a few small kiddos that play the games according to their likings one. SO if they don’t like the games, they so totally don’t want to listen to me or Andy. It was frustrating at certain point la but kids are kids. You can’t really do much. They drove me crazy. And the sports day this year drew a lot of different races kids together. And most of them could speak Chinese. Since my team was lacking of members (with all the kids scattering around), I had to recruit new member. She watched us from the side. So I asked her if she wants to join us. She asked if she could. Of course can la. I sponsored her 3 bucks. And she had fun. I am so glad. Her name was Nur Adilah.
Anyway, the games were generally easy…for us youths. But not the kids. You know, sometimes it’s quite hard to go down to kids level and try to understand how much they can do. But come to think of it… it’s not that easy la. Haha. Anyway, I couldn’t remember the proper placing for the end result. I think it’s like this:
1st : Yellow
2nd : Purple
3rd : White
4th : Blue
5th : Red
I think so la… I asked Ju and she couldn’t remember also. Haha. Well, placing doesn’t matter la. It’s the spirit! After the games, we had the children clean up the mess they made. Hehe. And bonus point will be given. Hoho. Then we had the prize-giving session. After that we had lunch. The chicken rice was so spicy but very sedap. Anyway, the kid I “recruited”, shown an interest in our future programmes. But I forgot to ask her for her contact number. But she stays nearby to Dineshwary. So I guess I could reach Adilah through her.
After the makan and all, we cleared everything up. And then we went back to Mrs. Chua’s place. She cooked some light lunch for us. Sarah and Jasmine so lawak la. Sharma kena marah from Sarah for playing with Jasmine. Hehe.
All in all, it was a truly successful day. Thank God for keeping each and everyone safe, for the good response, good weather, and helps given by each and everyone who came for this event. Thanks to the working committee for planning everything so well and proper.
Oh, btw… I didn’t manage to take everyone’s pictures. I wasn’t the one with my camera. Handed it to Sharma. And my T20 is sick. Couldn’t stop vibrating. So for those people not in the photos, so sorry ok. Most of the photos are with Federick. If I get them, I will post it up yea.
I guess that’s all for the update on MGC Sports Day, from my part. Hopefully next year will be even better. ^^
Enjoy the photos!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
For the past few days...
Date : 29th August 2008
Time : 4.40PM
Listening to : Nothing
Where : Bro's Old Room - Malacca
As promised, photos from my sis studio grad pic. Nothing much actually.
On Tuesday, Thye Chuan, Andrew and I went for a movie. We watched WALL-E in Dataran. That was my first time stepping into the new cinema. A bit outdated. Anyway, the movie was great but to be honest I still prefer Ratatouille. The animation was good and I think the sound engineer did a great job considering the fact that there weren't many "human" talking part. Mostly "waaaallllleeeeeeeee" and "eeeeeeeeeeeeeevaaaaaaaaaaa". I like the sound effects. And love WALL-E's cosy living place. Soundtrack was equally good. Well, that's my POV la. I like it and it's funny. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay funnier than Kungfu Panda. Oh, and it was such a coincident to meet Sin Yee and Joyce there. I turned to look behind (The whole cinema was empty) to check if Andrew reach already or not and I saw Sin Yee. Hehe...
After the movie, we went to McD for my very very late lunch. And again, we bumped into Sin Yee and Joyce. After makan, Andrew fetched us to Pasar Malam in Kg. Lapan. But suddenly I saw the junction to my old school MGSS and I asked (out of the blue) Andrew to pusing in. How we missed those days. For the 2 fellas, they missed Rengga classes there and their pembuka gate days. And I missed my Sec school and also Rengga's classes. We went up to 4k1 and took some picts tere. So nolstalgic. And the Gajah Menyusur area sammo and the canteen. And guess what? I even checked out the form3 toilets. It was cleaner than my school days. Obviously the whole school had a slight makeover with a new coat of paint and all. I really miss those days. Ok..maybe not. Maybe just the place.
After the detour, we made our way to PM. Saw my YuYu Ice man there and I took 2 servings. Ehehehehe... And yes, we bumped into Sin Yee and Joyce (Again). Andrew couldn't send me back so Chuan had to have his mom drop me home. Thanks a lot yea. I had a lot of fun. And thanks Alch for driving us around and Chuan for the movie.
Andrew left for US yesterday. Weird, I don't really feel sad or anything. Perhaps I got used to it. Anyway, I went over to Yi Kwan's place yesterday night. Chatted with her about stuff. It was fun. Then I dropped by Yen's place to pass her the T-Shirt Uncle Kian Boon bought for us. I kept on forgetting to bring it to church. =.=!
And I hereby announce I've deleted my Utopia account. Kena hit like dunnoe what. No mood d. Hahahaha... And I would like to do a very short review on a game that I completed in 2 days on PS2. Actually, all the hours added together it didn't reach 24 hrs. Such a short game. It's called Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy. It's a cinematic gameplay kinda game la ok. So it's like playing a movie. My bro opt to sit out from this game and watch me play instead cos' he'll be watching the movie with different possibilities of outcome. But I kept on potong stim cos' I got too much adrenalin running in my blood that I fainted at one point.
Ok... Exaggeration la ok. The truth is, I keep on potong steam cos of I got really kan cheong (anxious) fast. It's the same for all games like Resident Evil, Haunting Ground and blalabla...U get the drift. So when I get kan cheong right, I will pause. Hahahaha... So itu macam la. My bro will be like... 0.o... Sweat. Anyway, in Fahrenheit, you play multiple personalities. It's about this guy who kena possessed and killed a man in a diner's toilet. His name is Lucas. So you have to cover up your tracks and run away. Then the next scene, you'll be playing the detectives. So you see, you play really the opposite roles. It's like you are trying to catch yourself. And there was this part of the game where you are playing both the detective and Lucas. I lost so many times until I figured out I have to let Lucas go by not doing what he was required to do. Still, I enjoyed the game ALOT. I really mean ALOT. They unfold the storyline really well and I don't really get to criticize the storyline much. And I really emphasize a lot on the storyline when I play games or watch a movie. My bro cannot tahan watch movies with me cos I always bising pasal the storyline or I guess the storyline along the way. Hehehehe. I like games like this because it makes me think.
Still, there is one thing I've been complaining since I started playing Fahrenheit. The navigation. The player uses analog, both of them to control the game. But the indication at the top of the screen can be pretty confusing not to mention quick to hilang. Alamak ai... Especially the conversation part. But I guess it was all planned to make us react faster. Probably only. I won't bising about the story here la. Don't want to spoil it. But I got a bad ending okaaaaaaay. Bluff people one. Cis... T_T" I wish the game could be longer but too bad, it's that short. And yeah, at the end..almost end actually, there was this NSFW kinda scene. I almost pengsan sial. No kidding. Mak jaaaaaangggg. Oh wait, one thing fantastic about this cinematic game is, the voice talent and soundtrack and also sound effect were good. You can really feel the emotion portrayed by the characters. I was so sad I couldn't save Lucas' bro. And you have to make sure your character's "mood bar" does not shoot down to 'Wrecked'. The animation was good too.
Ok..Maybe this review isn't that short after all. And I don't have the intention to get all hopes high and stuff. Personally, it's one of the best game I've played. I loved Haunting Ground too actually. That one really made me kan cheong like dunnoe how many hundred of times. I paused everytime I heard that crazy Debilitas' giggles, I just had to pause, catch my breath, tell myself to get ready my fingers and run. Fuh... But the surrounding for Haunting Ground and also the background music can really give you the creeps. I did not finish the game. I left around 3 % more to go but my cousin took it away to Teluk Intan. And you know what's worse? Somebody sat on it and had it cracked into half. Dang~! Hate it when things like that happen.
And my proudest achievement... Alone In The Dark. Don't ask why. It's like the first game I finished, wait, I rephrase... The first adrenaline packed game I finished without me tying my bro to the chair and watch me play. Nola, actually more to solving the whole game thing in lesser time than my bro. I don't know if they finished the game or not. But I did screamed all the way running up the stairs (in the game) with zero vision. The whole tv screen was dark ok and I really don't know what might jump out laeeee. So I screamed all the way. My bro asked why I did that when I wasn't exactly screaming. More like, "Aaaaaah~....". I said, "Oh, just so when something really jumps out, I won't suddenly scream and throw you off the chair". Hahahaaha...
Anyway, I should really stop now. If there's any other game like what I've mentioned above that you think might interest me, recommend ok? Even better if you could throw me the disc. And forget Silent Hill. I've tried Silent Hill 1. I did not make it to the hospital. Hahaha. And I tried Silent Hill:The Room. I couldn't solve the puzzle. I almost died having adrenaline overdose.
And I will post up the video for JUICE Nite soon. Meanwhile, watch it here.
Time : 4.40PM
Listening to : Nothing
Where : Bro's Old Room - Malacca
As promised, photos from my sis studio grad pic. Nothing much actually.
On Tuesday, Thye Chuan, Andrew and I went for a movie. We watched WALL-E in Dataran. That was my first time stepping into the new cinema. A bit outdated. Anyway, the movie was great but to be honest I still prefer Ratatouille. The animation was good and I think the sound engineer did a great job considering the fact that there weren't many "human" talking part. Mostly "waaaallllleeeeeeeee" and "eeeeeeeeeeeeeevaaaaaaaaaaa". I like the sound effects. And love WALL-E's cosy living place. Soundtrack was equally good. Well, that's my POV la. I like it and it's funny. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay funnier than Kungfu Panda. Oh, and it was such a coincident to meet Sin Yee and Joyce there. I turned to look behind (The whole cinema was empty) to check if Andrew reach already or not and I saw Sin Yee. Hehe...
After the movie, we went to McD for my very very late lunch. And again, we bumped into Sin Yee and Joyce. After makan, Andrew fetched us to Pasar Malam in Kg. Lapan. But suddenly I saw the junction to my old school MGSS and I asked (out of the blue) Andrew to pusing in. How we missed those days. For the 2 fellas, they missed Rengga classes there and their pembuka gate days. And I missed my Sec school and also Rengga's classes. We went up to 4k1 and took some picts tere. So nolstalgic. And the Gajah Menyusur area sammo and the canteen. And guess what? I even checked out the form3 toilets. It was cleaner than my school days. Obviously the whole school had a slight makeover with a new coat of paint and all. I really miss those days. Ok..maybe not. Maybe just the place.
After the detour, we made our way to PM. Saw my YuYu Ice man there and I took 2 servings. Ehehehehe... And yes, we bumped into Sin Yee and Joyce (Again). Andrew couldn't send me back so Chuan had to have his mom drop me home. Thanks a lot yea. I had a lot of fun. And thanks Alch for driving us around and Chuan for the movie.
Andrew left for US yesterday. Weird, I don't really feel sad or anything. Perhaps I got used to it. Anyway, I went over to Yi Kwan's place yesterday night. Chatted with her about stuff. It was fun. Then I dropped by Yen's place to pass her the T-Shirt Uncle Kian Boon bought for us. I kept on forgetting to bring it to church. =.=!
And I hereby announce I've deleted my Utopia account. Kena hit like dunnoe what. No mood d. Hahahaha... And I would like to do a very short review on a game that I completed in 2 days on PS2. Actually, all the hours added together it didn't reach 24 hrs. Such a short game. It's called Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy. It's a cinematic gameplay kinda game la ok. So it's like playing a movie. My bro opt to sit out from this game and watch me play instead cos' he'll be watching the movie with different possibilities of outcome. But I kept on potong stim cos' I got too much adrenalin running in my blood that I fainted at one point.
Ok... Exaggeration la ok. The truth is, I keep on potong steam cos of I got really kan cheong (anxious) fast. It's the same for all games like Resident Evil, Haunting Ground and blalabla...U get the drift. So when I get kan cheong right, I will pause. Hahahaha... So itu macam la. My bro will be like... 0.o... Sweat. Anyway, in Fahrenheit, you play multiple personalities. It's about this guy who kena possessed and killed a man in a diner's toilet. His name is Lucas. So you have to cover up your tracks and run away. Then the next scene, you'll be playing the detectives. So you see, you play really the opposite roles. It's like you are trying to catch yourself. And there was this part of the game where you are playing both the detective and Lucas. I lost so many times until I figured out I have to let Lucas go by not doing what he was required to do. Still, I enjoyed the game ALOT. I really mean ALOT. They unfold the storyline really well and I don't really get to criticize the storyline much. And I really emphasize a lot on the storyline when I play games or watch a movie. My bro cannot tahan watch movies with me cos I always bising pasal the storyline or I guess the storyline along the way. Hehehehe. I like games like this because it makes me think.
Still, there is one thing I've been complaining since I started playing Fahrenheit. The navigation. The player uses analog, both of them to control the game. But the indication at the top of the screen can be pretty confusing not to mention quick to hilang. Alamak ai... Especially the conversation part. But I guess it was all planned to make us react faster. Probably only. I won't bising about the story here la. Don't want to spoil it. But I got a bad ending okaaaaaaay. Bluff people one. Cis... T_T" I wish the game could be longer but too bad, it's that short. And yeah, at the end..almost end actually, there was this NSFW kinda scene. I almost pengsan sial. No kidding. Mak jaaaaaangggg. Oh wait, one thing fantastic about this cinematic game is, the voice talent and soundtrack and also sound effect were good. You can really feel the emotion portrayed by the characters. I was so sad I couldn't save Lucas' bro. And you have to make sure your character's "mood bar" does not shoot down to 'Wrecked'. The animation was good too.
Ok..Maybe this review isn't that short after all. And I don't have the intention to get all hopes high and stuff. Personally, it's one of the best game I've played. I loved Haunting Ground too actually. That one really made me kan cheong like dunnoe how many hundred of times. I paused everytime I heard that crazy Debilitas' giggles, I just had to pause, catch my breath, tell myself to get ready my fingers and run. Fuh... But the surrounding for Haunting Ground and also the background music can really give you the creeps. I did not finish the game. I left around 3 % more to go but my cousin took it away to Teluk Intan. And you know what's worse? Somebody sat on it and had it cracked into half. Dang~! Hate it when things like that happen.
And my proudest achievement... Alone In The Dark. Don't ask why. It's like the first game I finished, wait, I rephrase... The first adrenaline packed game I finished without me tying my bro to the chair and watch me play. Nola, actually more to solving the whole game thing in lesser time than my bro. I don't know if they finished the game or not. But I did screamed all the way running up the stairs (in the game) with zero vision. The whole tv screen was dark ok and I really don't know what might jump out laeeee. So I screamed all the way. My bro asked why I did that when I wasn't exactly screaming. More like, "Aaaaaah~....". I said, "Oh, just so when something really jumps out, I won't suddenly scream and throw you off the chair". Hahahaaha...
Anyway, I should really stop now. If there's any other game like what I've mentioned above that you think might interest me, recommend ok? Even better if you could throw me the disc. And forget Silent Hill. I've tried Silent Hill 1. I did not make it to the hospital. Hahaha. And I tried Silent Hill:The Room. I couldn't solve the puzzle. I almost died having adrenaline overdose.
And I will post up the video for JUICE Nite soon. Meanwhile, watch it here.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Reminiscence of GLO
Date : 26th August 2008
Time : 2.09PM
Listening to : When you come back to me again - Garth Brook
Where : Bro's Old Room - Malacca
I feel serene. :) Don't know where this came from. I was walking back from my mom's office. It was drizzling with the breeze blowing. Weird how the feeling was so familiar. It's like walking my dreams again. Nice.
Talking about dreams, I dreamed I was shot with a 5 barrel shotgun. =.=" The pain was gradual but before I feel the full impact, I woke up... in my dream. Really lazy pig. Sleeping in my own dream.
On the 20th of September, GLO will hold a reunion event in TGH (Taiping Gospel Hall). I plan to go back. Talked to Hwei, Ju and Sin Lan already. If everything goes well, we might just be traveling back to Taiping with Hooi Siang and Cent Cent. I miss GLO days. Wonder how's everyone doing. Hehe... It was fun in GLO.
Time : 2.09PM
Listening to : When you come back to me again - Garth Brook
Where : Bro's Old Room - Malacca
I feel serene. :) Don't know where this came from. I was walking back from my mom's office. It was drizzling with the breeze blowing. Weird how the feeling was so familiar. It's like walking my dreams again. Nice.
Talking about dreams, I dreamed I was shot with a 5 barrel shotgun. =.=" The pain was gradual but before I feel the full impact, I woke up... in my dream. Really lazy pig. Sleeping in my own dream.
On the 20th of September, GLO will hold a reunion event in TGH (Taiping Gospel Hall). I plan to go back. Talked to Hwei, Ju and Sin Lan already. If everything goes well, we might just be traveling back to Taiping with Hooi Siang and Cent Cent. I miss GLO days. Wonder how's everyone doing. Hehe... It was fun in GLO.
Justin and Vincent armless...=.=
Kuala Kangsar Mission Trip... We love children.
Sam Lee's birthday...
In our Lecture Class...
Oh, I love this the most. The Semangat people who cheered u and I to keep climbing up.
Haha... Timon also cannot tahan our own tugu negara...
Girls fight...
Ppl so penat can siap posing lagi...
On top of Maxwell Hill... Tiring sial...
The morning before our OA Mission Trip... Posing macam banduan...
Timon and Ah Siang
Our fav past time: Makan and play games...
Hehe...Yao Kui fellas...
Lol... Cannot masuk kitchen area
Can you believe it? So old d we main polis kejar pencuri. This is the polis.
Tak cukup bantal
Orang Asli Mission Trip. Very fond memories.
Our first PJs
Hoho... Gambar gila....
Devotion time in our room
Kuala Kangsar Mission Trip... We love children.
Sam Lee's birthday...
In our Lecture Class...
Oh, I love this the most. The Semangat people who cheered u and I to keep climbing up.
Haha... Timon also cannot tahan our own tugu negara...
Girls fight...
Ppl so penat can siap posing lagi...
On top of Maxwell Hill... Tiring sial...
The morning before our OA Mission Trip... Posing macam banduan...
Timon and Ah Siang
Our fav past time: Makan and play games...
Hehe...Yao Kui fellas...
Lol... Cannot masuk kitchen area
Can you believe it? So old d we main polis kejar pencuri. This is the polis.
Tak cukup bantal
Orang Asli Mission Trip. Very fond memories.
Our first PJs
Hoho... Gambar gila....
Devotion time in our room
K...going out with Ketiak Chuan and GA Andrew now! Ta!
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