Friday, November 14, 2008

Array (At last)

Date : 14th November 2008
Time : 9.17PM
Listening to : Above All - Michael W.Smith
Where : Room - MC

Yesterday I went to Uncle Thiran's church (Kelana Jaya Church) for a talk on Evolution & Creationism. It'll be interesting if the speaker spoke more clearly. His accent was very heavy. He's a professor from India. Anyway, the talk was nice. Today's one I didn't go. It's on Cloning and Biotech. But I'll get the slides from Michael Bubu.

Yesterday Michael came to pick me up for dinner before the talk. We went to Alladin. A Chinese Muslim restaurant. Very nice. Very kenyang and it's on Michael. ^^ And then we talked about the working opportunities outside la. And I think I'm quite clear on my choice of working enironment. I want to be in small companies. At least I get to try on different things.

Yesterday, I managed to get my script right for my game. It's the long repetitive way. Then tried to "globalize" it but still it was quite long. And it works. Then before I slept, I somehow dunnoe why took a look on my prev notes on Array given by Ah Bonk. And everyone knows I suck and I hate dealing with Array. Then today, I went to school for 3 reasons.

1. Get Geng Yi's wedding cards
2. Meet Kenny for 3D
3. Meet Sathom for lunch (AT LAST)

Then while waiting for Kenny and Sathom, I did my work in the library. I took a look at the ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook on Array. Somehow it made sense to me. SO I photocopied the section and brought it home. And guess what? 15 minutes... And I got it to work. Waaaa!! Thank you God~! Wooo~!

Anyway, I dunnoe why the library was filled with SOOOOOOOO many students today. And it was pretty noisy. Lunch with Sathom and Abdullah were nice. We ate in Nando's. Did a little bit of catching up with that dude. Man, it was so long ago since we last met.

Okok..I gtg Bible Study d. See ya!


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