Date : 25th February 2009
Time : 9.47PM
Listening to : Woman - John Lennon
Where : Room - MC
I recently got addicted to Singapore drama series "The Little Nyonya". It is a very good series. Pretty sad at one part I couldn't stop cryin for almost 30 minutes. You know that kind of crying where you can't even speak that kind. Ahahaah. It's bodoh I know.
Anyway, on Monday I went for my Final Project Studio class. Then suddenly another lecturer asked for me. So menakutkan. I thought what I did wrong. LOL. Mana tau my head of dept which happened to be my class lecturer couldn't make it for class cos her car broke down. And she wanted to speak to me through the phone. So I get to enter the MM dept. Cold man. And I've never utter so many okays in a phone conversation before. And it was awkward speaking on the phone with her. o.O
So Dee, Tan and I went KFC for our breakfast. We love the breakfast wrap. Fadzil joined us later on. Then we went back class to discuss pasal Web Design. And then I went William's printing shop to start working on my Digital Portfolio. Finished 90% of my work there. Lucky I was to have a business meeting at 4pm. If not I won't stay back to work in William's. I got to know a junior that is so much older than me. o.O I forgot his name. XD Then at 4pm I went for my business meeting. It was pretty short.
After that I hung out with my bro and James in the lab. After like 20 minutes, Pinky, my lecturer from semester 2 called. I went to meet her and I consulted her regarding Web Design. It was quite an insightful discussion. Then I joined James in the DG lab again, watching him work. My bro tgh busy with his work portfolio. A lot of his work are selected from exhibition and he;s behind schedule already in layout-ing his work. Then after Danny's done with his class, 4 of us went for dinner. Then we met the rest, Michelle, David, Zheng and Kelvin at the CC for a 2 rounds of games. It was very funny playing against James cos' my bro and I totally teamed up against him for the first round. Both of us have "feud" with him. Ahaahaha. It was hilarious playing with friends. Cos' it's very lawak when you get to pounce on them if ur a zombie. Too bad the connection for the server was bad. So michelle, david and danny couldn't join in. After the game, we decided that..ugh...we're not addicted anymore cos' too much already.
So that's how my Monday ended. I would say pretty fruitful. 2 different meetings and finished my portfolio promotional items.
I am coming back this saturday. See you guys in church on Sunday!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Date : 21st February 2009
Time : 9.13PM
Listening to : Rain
Where : Room - MC *Faint*
I mean really man, day and night if I have the free time, I will think of L4D. Such addiction. My bro introduced the game to me on V-Day. You know la, V-day, we both mmg no date. So he and danny aak-ed me and zheng for dinner la. The loners for the night. Zaf joined in later on. We went Buffalo Steak House. Super full and service was pretty lag dat day. My food came at almost 10PM. Aaaarghhh.... Then while we were eating, suddenly we got the idea of going Cyber Cafe and play L4D. I have no idea how it works. Tried once at home only. pretty scary so I stopped. But dang, after trying my hands on it, I just couldnt stop. It was so lawak playing with danny, zheng and my bro. Hahahaha... My bro was like lebih onli running off by himself. But of course la, he made sure I was safe also.
The second time I played was with Kelvin, David, Michelle Lim, Danny, Zheng and my bro. It was after a round of steamboat buffet. This round was even funnier cos we played versus. One team played Zombies and another played the Survivors. Played a few rounds. Was freakin hilarious. At first I didn;t fancy playing zombies cos I dunnoe how to play them. then after that, I found that zombies are really really fun. The last round, I teamed up with Danny and Kelvin. Woots~! We won my bro's team. AHAHAHAHA~! Ahem,..

Okay, this is pretty addictive and we have one offline version one at home. And it is bad for homework I tell u... Anyway, this week I haven't been home. Stayed over at Dee's after a round of BBQ at her place. We invited our senior, Hong and also lecturer Kenny cos they lived at Ampang also. It was tiring but good nontheless. The next day went to class. Then yesterday Tan and I stayed over at Dee's again for Web Design. Wii was funny when we played Bowling. It was for a short while only cos Fadzil was doing silkscreen blocks and we couldn't on the lights.
Sigh...This has been a slacky term for me.... Sien... Especially for game... I dunnoe why it's so hard to lock an idea. But I guess that's part of the learning process. Same as web design... Feel like... Ugh....
Time : 9.13PM
Listening to : Rain
Where : Room - MC *Faint*
I mean really man, day and night if I have the free time, I will think of L4D. Such addiction. My bro introduced the game to me on V-Day. You know la, V-day, we both mmg no date. So he and danny aak-ed me and zheng for dinner la. The loners for the night. Zaf joined in later on. We went Buffalo Steak House. Super full and service was pretty lag dat day. My food came at almost 10PM. Aaaarghhh.... Then while we were eating, suddenly we got the idea of going Cyber Cafe and play L4D. I have no idea how it works. Tried once at home only. pretty scary so I stopped. But dang, after trying my hands on it, I just couldnt stop. It was so lawak playing with danny, zheng and my bro. Hahahaha... My bro was like lebih onli running off by himself. But of course la, he made sure I was safe also.
The second time I played was with Kelvin, David, Michelle Lim, Danny, Zheng and my bro. It was after a round of steamboat buffet. This round was even funnier cos we played versus. One team played Zombies and another played the Survivors. Played a few rounds. Was freakin hilarious. At first I didn;t fancy playing zombies cos I dunnoe how to play them. then after that, I found that zombies are really really fun. The last round, I teamed up with Danny and Kelvin. Woots~! We won my bro's team. AHAHAHAHA~! Ahem,..

Sigh...This has been a slacky term for me.... Sien... Especially for game... I dunnoe why it's so hard to lock an idea. But I guess that's part of the learning process. Same as web design... Feel like... Ugh....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Emo girl in the lift
Date : 12th February 2009
Time : 4.20PM
Listening to : A lot of people typing
Where : Video Lab - TOA
I was waiting for the lift at my apartment from the 3rd floor.
*Lift light blinks*
Muffled but pretty loud, a girl was crying and yelling inside the lift.
*Lift's door open*
A girl was very near the entrance and crying. Threw tantrums I guess. The boyfriend seemed at loss. The girl exited and cried like this... "Huh...Huh..Huh...". I was like this.... o.O!! Boyfriend looked at me and I entered the lift. He went out to the girlfriend who was still going "Huh...Huh..Huh..."
*Lift closes*
Thought to myself, "Ridiculous... Making such a scene in a public area."
Okay, so the lift may be considered private space for some. But I think some girls really lebih wanna menangis here and there so emo-ly and fight out of their home. My goodness. Fight somewhere else. It made me a bit uncomfy btw. Sigh. I hope I won't end up lidddat.
The lab is fulled of different terms punya people. I'm the only one from my class here. The rest scattered dunnoe go where d. Just finished discussion for Game Art and Planning. Yesterday night was horrible. MSN discussion went awry. So much confusion and frustration. I thought I might die nosebleeding. But everything went well today. Thank God.
Thank God for the 2.70 ringgit punya taxi. He answers prayers. This I am sure. Thank you Lord!
Time : 4.20PM
Listening to : A lot of people typing
Where : Video Lab - TOA
I was waiting for the lift at my apartment from the 3rd floor.
*Lift light blinks*
Muffled but pretty loud, a girl was crying and yelling inside the lift.
*Lift's door open*
A girl was very near the entrance and crying. Threw tantrums I guess. The boyfriend seemed at loss. The girl exited and cried like this... "Huh...Huh..Huh...". I was like this.... o.O!! Boyfriend looked at me and I entered the lift. He went out to the girlfriend who was still going "Huh...Huh..Huh..."
*Lift closes*
Thought to myself, "Ridiculous... Making such a scene in a public area."
Okay, so the lift may be considered private space for some. But I think some girls really lebih wanna menangis here and there so emo-ly and fight out of their home. My goodness. Fight somewhere else. It made me a bit uncomfy btw. Sigh. I hope I won't end up lidddat.
The lab is fulled of different terms punya people. I'm the only one from my class here. The rest scattered dunnoe go where d. Just finished discussion for Game Art and Planning. Yesterday night was horrible. MSN discussion went awry. So much confusion and frustration. I thought I might die nosebleeding. But everything went well today. Thank God.
Thank God for the 2.70 ringgit punya taxi. He answers prayers. This I am sure. Thank you Lord!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Speaking faster than my brain
Date : 10th February 2009
Time : 12.41PM
Listening to - I'll be there for you - Bon Jovi
Where : Bro's Room - MC
I was impatient. No, I still am impatient. It varies from day to day. If only I will just quiet myself down and wait on God. And if only I speak slower than my mind. I'll get into lesser trouble. =.=! No trouble for now but if I don't learn to be more patient now, I will. Fuh. Sudden realization after some sort of a brief reflection. Perhaps it was something I read. Dunnoe what triggered this.
Yesterday hung out with Yen and Adrian at Pak Putra. That roti tissue two ply one. Lol. It was just a random outing since the movie plan didn't work out. No movies worth watching. Quite a laughable night. I spoke faster than my brain. I wanted to say The Curious Case of Benjamin Button but I went...
"Benjamin Button......(pause)... case of... (pause)...curious..."
We went o.0! for a while before bursting into laughter. It was so weird. Yen said it sounded like a mystery movie now and Adrian said I totally changed the title. NOT intentional. I just can't handle the impulse anymore. It's so random and fast. I can't control it. It can get pretty frustrating. I don't know what I was trying to say sometimes and in the end I just give up on that topic or sentence. Bah!
I am still stuck with assignment.
Time : 12.41PM
Listening to - I'll be there for you - Bon Jovi
Where : Bro's Room - MC
I was impatient. No, I still am impatient. It varies from day to day. If only I will just quiet myself down and wait on God. And if only I speak slower than my mind. I'll get into lesser trouble. =.=! No trouble for now but if I don't learn to be more patient now, I will. Fuh. Sudden realization after some sort of a brief reflection. Perhaps it was something I read. Dunnoe what triggered this.
Yesterday hung out with Yen and Adrian at Pak Putra. That roti tissue two ply one. Lol. It was just a random outing since the movie plan didn't work out. No movies worth watching. Quite a laughable night. I spoke faster than my brain. I wanted to say The Curious Case of Benjamin Button but I went...
"Benjamin Button......(pause)... case of... (pause)...curious..."
We went o.0! for a while before bursting into laughter. It was so weird. Yen said it sounded like a mystery movie now and Adrian said I totally changed the title. NOT intentional. I just can't handle the impulse anymore. It's so random and fast. I can't control it. It can get pretty frustrating. I don't know what I was trying to say sometimes and in the end I just give up on that topic or sentence. Bah!
I am still stuck with assignment.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Stumbleupon a time...
Date : 9th February 2009
Time : 12.31PM
Listening to : Close to You - Karen Mok
Where : Bro's Room - Malacca
Just an announcement, my design blog icecubebrain is officially dead now. It'll still be there but I won't be updating it already. So I will be spamming this blog instead. I am in the midst of "trying" to get my hands on building up my new site under the domain so I hope it'll be up my next term.
ANYweeeeeeyyyyyyy... I found this website Stumbleupon and it has quite a lot of great stuff there. Basically it consisted of interesting stuff that they found on the net and it will bring you to the site. Karen suggested Tumblr also but I don't really check it out much yet. Jut today I found this thing on Stumbleupon. I think it's cool la cos' it's more usable than postcards. But I am NOT saying that postcards aren't nice okkkk...

Pretty cool huh? At least the receiver can use the cup. ^^ Love the typography. Okay, it's a silly way to notice the cup la okay. But this series is for V-Day. But I think if it's more than that, it could be a hit also. Dunnoe. Maybe they wanna make it a limited edition kinda thing.
Another one that I found through (By the way, it's another good website) is this~!

I think it's nice la. Only this 2 though out of the many in the website. Colours nicer. Nak makan also sayang. Ehehehe...
Okay, enough spamming now. Hmmm, mamak yesterday was nice. Some laughable conversation. Almost all actually. :) I had weird dreams yesterday. =.=! I cannot remember what it was about. I know when I woke up, I was like, "What...??" Ahaaahaa... Darn sial la ok. Alright, I have to do my work already. Daaaaaaa~!
Time : 12.31PM
Listening to : Close to You - Karen Mok
Where : Bro's Room - Malacca
Just an announcement, my design blog icecubebrain is officially dead now. It'll still be there but I won't be updating it already. So I will be spamming this blog instead. I am in the midst of "trying" to get my hands on building up my new site under the domain so I hope it'll be up my next term.
ANYweeeeeeyyyyyyy... I found this website Stumbleupon and it has quite a lot of great stuff there. Basically it consisted of interesting stuff that they found on the net and it will bring you to the site. Karen suggested Tumblr also but I don't really check it out much yet. Jut today I found this thing on Stumbleupon. I think it's cool la cos' it's more usable than postcards. But I am NOT saying that postcards aren't nice okkkk...

Quoted from baekdal.comIn the old days you sent home a postcard. But what if you could send home a cup instead?
The Post cup is a cup, with a printed message on the front (You can choose between 6 different ones; HI, LOVE YOU, MISS YOU, THINKING OF YOU etc.) On the back there is a personal message, in the form a post card.
It is an interesting way of sending someone you care about a very personal message.
Pretty cool huh? At least the receiver can use the cup. ^^ Love the typography. Okay, it's a silly way to notice the cup la okay. But this series is for V-Day. But I think if it's more than that, it could be a hit also. Dunnoe. Maybe they wanna make it a limited edition kinda thing.
Another one that I found through (By the way, it's another good website) is this~!

I think it's nice la. Only this 2 though out of the many in the website. Colours nicer. Nak makan also sayang. Ehehehe...
Okay, enough spamming now. Hmmm, mamak yesterday was nice. Some laughable conversation. Almost all actually. :) I had weird dreams yesterday. =.=! I cannot remember what it was about. I know when I woke up, I was like, "What...??" Ahaaahaa... Darn sial la ok. Alright, I have to do my work already. Daaaaaaa~!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Badminton at last...
Date : 8th February 2009
Time : 10.43PM
Listening to : Mahjong blablabla
Where : Bro's Room - Malacca
Woots~! Back in Malacca yesterday. Today went to church in the morning. Slept at 2AM the night before, doing GY's stuff. I don't know why I did it yesterday. Then in church a lil' sleepy during message. Uncle Tony's girls were very cheerul today. Especially Jasmine and Sarah. :) And today before service, we went breakfast at Nam Thye. The breeze was very strong. Uncle Kian Boon, Auntie Jen, Uncle Anthony, Sin Yee and families were there. Quite nice. After service, Uncle Kian Boon, Wei Jin, Sarah an I talked about Uncle Kian Boon's thumb. Got chopped duing CNY. Eeeee.... Then after that the peeps jammed in church. Yen played the piano, Adrian played drum, Sharma on the guitar, Ah Derk main singer and Shaun at the background lip-syncing and doing Timbaland's "Ay..Ay...Ay" with Uncle Anthony. Yeap. They did the song "Apologized" by One Republic and it was... Funny. Ahahahaha. Caught it on the camera.
Anyway, after that we had a meeting and did some rehearsal for the Easter play. I am helping out with the invitation card. No acting this round. Ahahaahah... Fuh. And parents came and pick me at 12PM and brought me and Pin Pin out for lunch. Niiice. And then when I came home, I onlined cos got Business meeting whih I totally forgot. I just so happened online and yeap... I was pulled into a chat room. Ahahaha. And yeah. Discussion went well. All the way to 4PM.
Badminton was at 4pm. I was late of course. Reached there at 4.30PM. Reached there only malas wanna play. Perrr... And yeah, the video from the last post really man... this shaun kept on repeating my lines. APER NII?? Ok, anyway, the first set I played was with Yen, Ah Derk and Wei Jin. Partnered Yen and we won. Woo hoo~! This game reminded of my first camp with them and I partnered Ah Derk (who was very short then) for badminton and everyone were under the very WRONG impression that I was a state player. Thanks to Juliana and GY who made it all up. Buat malu jer when we were trashed kao by El Sen and mate. =.=!
After the first set, my second set, I partnered Wei Jin and we played against Ah Derk and Yen. It was a funny game. I hit darn hard and it always went out of court. I even ter smacked the shuttlecock and hit Wei jin's face. Fuhlamak. Ketawa sampai mau mati. Play also lembik. But we won anyway. And the 3rd set I partnered Ah Derk against yen and Wei jin. Alamak..Kena trashed kao. Zero points from my team. Both of us are noob. Ahahaha. Cos we don't play much. Funnily, after like 5 years, Derk and I paired up in badminton again. And we were trashed... again. T_T
Okla... I'll end here. Yen coming over to mamak liao. Here's a pic we took during CNY. More to come later. Daaa~!
Time : 10.43PM
Listening to : Mahjong blablabla
Where : Bro's Room - Malacca
Woots~! Back in Malacca yesterday. Today went to church in the morning. Slept at 2AM the night before, doing GY's stuff. I don't know why I did it yesterday. Then in church a lil' sleepy during message. Uncle Tony's girls were very cheerul today. Especially Jasmine and Sarah. :) And today before service, we went breakfast at Nam Thye. The breeze was very strong. Uncle Kian Boon, Auntie Jen, Uncle Anthony, Sin Yee and families were there. Quite nice. After service, Uncle Kian Boon, Wei Jin, Sarah an I talked about Uncle Kian Boon's thumb. Got chopped duing CNY. Eeeee.... Then after that the peeps jammed in church. Yen played the piano, Adrian played drum, Sharma on the guitar, Ah Derk main singer and Shaun at the background lip-syncing and doing Timbaland's "Ay..Ay...Ay" with Uncle Anthony. Yeap. They did the song "Apologized" by One Republic and it was... Funny. Ahahahaha. Caught it on the camera.
Anyway, after that we had a meeting and did some rehearsal for the Easter play. I am helping out with the invitation card. No acting this round. Ahahaahah... Fuh. And parents came and pick me at 12PM and brought me and Pin Pin out for lunch. Niiice. And then when I came home, I onlined cos got Business meeting whih I totally forgot. I just so happened online and yeap... I was pulled into a chat room. Ahahaha. And yeah. Discussion went well. All the way to 4PM.
Badminton was at 4pm. I was late of course. Reached there at 4.30PM. Reached there only malas wanna play. Perrr... And yeah, the video from the last post really man... this shaun kept on repeating my lines. APER NII?? Ok, anyway, the first set I played was with Yen, Ah Derk and Wei Jin. Partnered Yen and we won. Woo hoo~! This game reminded of my first camp with them and I partnered Ah Derk (who was very short then) for badminton and everyone were under the very WRONG impression that I was a state player. Thanks to Juliana and GY who made it all up. Buat malu jer when we were trashed kao by El Sen and mate. =.=!
After the first set, my second set, I partnered Wei Jin and we played against Ah Derk and Yen. It was a funny game. I hit darn hard and it always went out of court. I even ter smacked the shuttlecock and hit Wei jin's face. Fuhlamak. Ketawa sampai mau mati. Play also lembik. But we won anyway. And the 3rd set I partnered Ah Derk against yen and Wei jin. Alamak..Kena trashed kao. Zero points from my team. Both of us are noob. Ahahaha. Cos we don't play much. Funnily, after like 5 years, Derk and I paired up in badminton again. And we were trashed... again. T_T
Okla... I'll end here. Yen coming over to mamak liao. Here's a pic we took during CNY. More to come later. Daaa~!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Did You Do It self-promotion project
Date : 6th February 2009
Time : 12.02 AM
Listening to : Water Machine churning
Where : Room - MC
So darn tired but still have assignments to do... Wahlaaaaaaaaaaa.... T_T! But here's the video for self-promotion. It's lame I know. =.=!
P/s : I noticed a lot people said I typed SMS and MSN very the fast. I think so too.
Time : 12.02 AM
Listening to : Water Machine churning
Where : Room - MC
So darn tired but still have assignments to do... Wahlaaaaaaaaaaa.... T_T! But here's the video for self-promotion. It's lame I know. =.=!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Date : 5th February 2009
Time : 2.53PM
Listening to : 如果你愿意 - 光良
Where : Room - MC
Freakin 3rd post in a day. =.=!
Time : 2.53PM
Listening to : 如果你愿意 - 光良
Where : Room - MC
Freakin 3rd post in a day. =.=!
Had an argument with Wahyu
Date : 5th February 2009
Time : 5.40AM
Listening to : Qi Chuang - Victor Wong
Where : Room - MC
Yes yes... It's so "early" in the morning an i am still awake. was doing discussion with wahyu the whole night via MSN and sharing each other's character design. And then we got into an argument. The reason started because of this...

Wahyu : Blue
Me : Orange
eh this character can be the bad one lah..mybe like boss fight..
lol, whyyyy
he is goood
don't make him sinnnnnn
cus i can see evil in his eyes.. x|
It's the smileeeeeeeeeee
ya and evilish smile... x|
the eyes all the same characters annot smile la
smile d become evil
hahaha...the others can see good in them lah...but this one different..
it's the smileeeeeeeeeeeeee
or mybe bcus of his standing pose 0.o?...
the rest lembik
its like saying "what u want?!shoo~!".... x|
more like, "Hehehe...what... wanna fight. Come la!"
see u also can see evil on his eyes...n smile....
n some more..the clothes his wearing...
he just got out from jail...
black n white strip...
he's not out of penjara okkk
hahaha.... ^^;;
no good u
he's innocent
hahahaha...sorry la....i just first met him...duno him yet.. ^^;
get to noe him
he's a good guy cursed with the evil smile
hahahahahahahahaaa xD
got the evil smile curse sum more...hahaa
lol... yeala.must justify his smile
ok then how u gona explain about his jail t shirt?
ey...he buy from pasar malam la!
got sales mah!
for halloween costumes
ooooo..i see....
now u noeee
y u so full of suspicion!
n what about the thing on his head??..i know hes hiding his horn rite??..cover with a socks...hha~! i knew it!..
where got!
dats natural okkk!
y u liddat!
i dont know.. xD
sorry2... ^^;;;;
No no! cannot forgive!
........................... Adakah patut he said my character like that???
Time : 5.40AM
Listening to : Qi Chuang - Victor Wong
Where : Room - MC
Yes yes... It's so "early" in the morning an i am still awake. was doing discussion with wahyu the whole night via MSN and sharing each other's character design. And then we got into an argument. The reason started because of this...
Wahyu : Blue
Me : Orange
eh this character can be the bad one lah..mybe like boss fight..
lol, whyyyy
he is goood
don't make him sinnnnnn
cus i can see evil in his eyes.. x|
It's the smileeeeeeeeeee
ya and evilish smile... x|
the eyes all the same characters annot smile la
smile d become evil
hahaha...the others can see good in them lah...but this one different..
it's the smileeeeeeeeeeeeee
or mybe bcus of his standing pose 0.o?...
the rest lembik
its like saying "what u want?!shoo~!".... x|
more like, "Hehehe...what... wanna fight. Come la!"
see u also can see evil on his eyes...n smile....
n some more..the clothes his wearing...
he just got out from jail...
black n white strip...
he's not out of penjara okkk
hahaha.... ^^;;
no good u
he's innocent
hahahaha...sorry la....i just first met him...duno him yet.. ^^;
get to noe him
he's a good guy cursed with the evil smile
hahahahahahahahaaa xD
got the evil smile curse sum more...hahaa
lol... yeala.must justify his smile
ok then how u gona explain about his jail t shirt?
ey...he buy from pasar malam la!
got sales mah!
for halloween costumes
ooooo..i see....
now u noeee
y u so full of suspicion!
n what about the thing on his head??..i know hes hiding his horn rite??..cover with a socks...hha~! i knew it!..
where got!
dats natural okkk!
y u liddat!
i dont know.. xD
sorry2... ^^;;;;
No no! cannot forgive!
........................... Adakah patut he said my character like that???
Steady and Unlame finally
Date : 5th February 2008
Time : 1.15AM
Listening to : Gives you hell - All American Rejects
Where : Room - MC
WuuU~! It's no longer lame according to Wai Khong, my Digital Portfolio lecturer. Ahahaah! Oh, it's regarding my self-promotional video. That said, I still's...hmmm... I dunnoe la. Feel that it's a bit buat bodoh. AHAHHAAHAH~! Ahem... Ok ok.. Upload the video d only I'll talk about it. Anyway, today we had a lazy lunch with Wai Khong. The day before, we waited for an hour plus for Kenny. ><" Hungry until wanna pengsan. We went Nando's with Kenny and Old Town with Wai Khong.
Anyway, on Sunday, I procrastinated like MAD. The whole CNY was spent eating and visiting and I did not touch a single thing for this week's submission. The good thing was... I finished the cut scenes for my DP project 1. Left sound editing and some effects. So I wasn't so worried about it. And then for my Final Project Studio, I needed to submit my design proposal. Basically it was all done in Word doc. So I procrastinated la. And padan muka I when I finished my work at around 6AM in the morning. =.=! And even that, I have no freakin idea I actually missed out my Executive Summary... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to school feeling like something was wrong you know. I was in fact late a little. I still made it on time but I woke up late. I felt a bit weird cos my proposal had no cover, no content ref. I didn't care until I checked back the brief and I realized that I OVERLOOKED the top instruction. Panicked a bit. And tak sangka we got presentation that day. What the heck right?? No slides no nothing. Only 15 minutes to prepare. I had to tell myself to breath maaaaaaaan. =.=!
And I made it in time la. But I was very.. how to say ah... so unprepared and lost. And then...
Sweii : Ok. SO who wants to start first?
Everyone : *Silence*
Sweii : How about Chen Li. It's always you. Go set the standard.
Me : o.0!!!
I was... speechless sial. And so I went to the front to present. That day, I spoke faster than my brain and it was so hard for my slow brain to keep up with my tongue. Yoh... At one point I paused for a while and I tried to speak slower because there wasn't any point to keep rushing when my brain cannot even think. Liao la. But after my presentation,
Sweii : Good. It's very clear. The reason why I always chose you first is because you're always so steady in presentation. But you need more visuals in your slides.
Me : I am so not steady today... hahahahah...
=.=! But thank GOD for helping me to get through both presentation. In fact DP's presentation went well also and he said I don't really need to refine anymore. It was really God's blessing cos' I didn't give in my best effort also. From my prev post also you guys already know how slacked I was. Mak jangggggggggg....
Anyway, gtg go do research for Business and Client Management and also character design for game already. Ta~!
Time : 1.15AM
Listening to : Gives you hell - All American Rejects
Where : Room - MC
WuuU~! It's no longer lame according to Wai Khong, my Digital Portfolio lecturer. Ahahaah! Oh, it's regarding my self-promotional video. That said, I still's...hmmm... I dunnoe la. Feel that it's a bit buat bodoh. AHAHHAAHAH~! Ahem... Ok ok.. Upload the video d only I'll talk about it. Anyway, today we had a lazy lunch with Wai Khong. The day before, we waited for an hour plus for Kenny. ><" Hungry until wanna pengsan. We went Nando's with Kenny and Old Town with Wai Khong.
Anyway, on Sunday, I procrastinated like MAD. The whole CNY was spent eating and visiting and I did not touch a single thing for this week's submission. The good thing was... I finished the cut scenes for my DP project 1. Left sound editing and some effects. So I wasn't so worried about it. And then for my Final Project Studio, I needed to submit my design proposal. Basically it was all done in Word doc. So I procrastinated la. And padan muka I when I finished my work at around 6AM in the morning. =.=! And even that, I have no freakin idea I actually missed out my Executive Summary... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to school feeling like something was wrong you know. I was in fact late a little. I still made it on time but I woke up late. I felt a bit weird cos my proposal had no cover, no content ref. I didn't care until I checked back the brief and I realized that I OVERLOOKED the top instruction. Panicked a bit. And tak sangka we got presentation that day. What the heck right?? No slides no nothing. Only 15 minutes to prepare. I had to tell myself to breath maaaaaaaan. =.=!
And I made it in time la. But I was very.. how to say ah... so unprepared and lost. And then...
Sweii : Ok. SO who wants to start first?
Everyone : *Silence*
Sweii : How about Chen Li. It's always you. Go set the standard.
Me : o.0!!!
I was... speechless sial. And so I went to the front to present. That day, I spoke faster than my brain and it was so hard for my slow brain to keep up with my tongue. Yoh... At one point I paused for a while and I tried to speak slower because there wasn't any point to keep rushing when my brain cannot even think. Liao la. But after my presentation,
Sweii : Good. It's very clear. The reason why I always chose you first is because you're always so steady in presentation. But you need more visuals in your slides.
Me : I am so not steady today... hahahahah...
=.=! But thank GOD for helping me to get through both presentation. In fact DP's presentation went well also and he said I don't really need to refine anymore. It was really God's blessing cos' I didn't give in my best effort also. From my prev post also you guys already know how slacked I was. Mak jangggggggggg....
Anyway, gtg go do research for Business and Client Management and also character design for game already. Ta~!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Miss Wong Random
Date : 1st February 2009
Time : 9.45PM
Listening to : He's Everything to Me - Ralph Carmichael
Where : Room - MC
Seated on a chair, one leg up on the chair kopitiam chor lor style in front of the computer. Eating one slice of butter cake from TA. A nagging voice behind my head asking me not to procrastinate.
Saying outloud, "DO YOUR WORK MISS WONG!!!!".
Alas... The lazier side of Miss Wong proved to be stronger.
Note to self : Miss Wong... Kalau tak buat kerja lagi, siaplah anda dikantoikan oleh FPS. Aku serius nih!
Time : 9.45PM
Listening to : He's Everything to Me - Ralph Carmichael
Where : Room - MC
Seated on a chair, one leg up on the chair kopitiam chor lor style in front of the computer. Eating one slice of butter cake from TA. A nagging voice behind my head asking me not to procrastinate.
Saying outloud, "DO YOUR WORK MISS WONG!!!!".
Alas... The lazier side of Miss Wong proved to be stronger.
Note to self : Miss Wong... Kalau tak buat kerja lagi, siaplah anda dikantoikan oleh FPS. Aku serius nih!
CNY Quick Post
Date : 1st February 2009
Time : 1.12PM
Listening to : Nothing...Fan spinning kot
Where : Room - MC
Happie CNY people. Didn't have the time to blog yet. The whole one week was taken up doing visiting and bonding that I didn't even have the time to sit down and do my work. *Excuses* Anyway... Can't blog yet so here are some pictures. The rest of them I dunnoe put where already sial. Have to find. Update later.

Gtg! Bye!
Time : 1.12PM
Listening to : Nothing...Fan spinning kot
Where : Room - MC
Happie CNY people. Didn't have the time to blog yet. The whole one week was taken up doing visiting and bonding that I didn't even have the time to sit down and do my work. *Excuses* Anyway... Can't blog yet so here are some pictures. The rest of them I dunnoe put where already sial. Have to find. Update later.

Gtg! Bye!
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