The next morning, I woke up quite early. Shuang was still in bed… I went to wash up and slipped out of the room. The boys and Juliana were still sleeping. Saw Joyce preparing some stuff in the kitchen. I took over cos’ she had stomach ache… Fried some eggs, and micro waved the sausages. When Joyce and I tried to wake the boys up, it was really a taxing job ler. So hard to wake them up one especially Timon. Yoh! Will merajuk like that. Hooi Siang also.. Dunno how many times have to call. Luckily Sammy and Eu Gin not that hard. We were at the verge of running late actually if they woke up any later. Bath so long sammo. After breakfast, some did the washing while some gathered all the visual aids. Then Aunty Nancy came to get us. Heehee… Boys had to follow Uncle Wiliiam to take a bus to Kuala Kangsar. Well, the journey there took around 45 minutes to 1 hour. When we finally reached, we get to se for the first time KKGH. It’s a house church. Wow… Made me feel like I’m in China where everyone (True Christians) gathered in a house to worship God. The boys haven’t reach yet. So we girls wandered around inside the church. Not very big but cozy. Hehe… And you know la… I bring my camera almost everywhere one. Even church people back in Malacca also commented on that. Hehe… So I asked Shuang and Hazel to pot like they were commenting on the kids coloring. Very nice feeling to see the drawings. Reminded me of the days when I used to help out in Malim Kindergarten. Haih~ Now cannot d lor…. But get to see back what kids usually do also quite satisfying d la. And Joyce memang cannot tahan see piano one… She just started to play the piano lor. Aiyak~! And sammo Juliana Khoo… Ae, GLO people…You all know her hobby la right… Haha… She was sleeping at a corner… Then wake up, then sleep again… Hahaha…. This girl ar….

Neway, the boys reached shortly after that. Timon wore a red tie with cartoons on it. We GLO

“Brothers and sisters in Christ! Do you know what I am going to speak about today? blablabla~!”

Aiyak~! Sorry people, I really can’t do it like Timon. Maybe Shuang can la since she was the one helping to type the sermon out. I was only fixing the printer!!! Neway, after the morning worship, we had a light breakfast. Got to know some people. Very nice bunch of people there la. So friendly. Didn’t feel that awkward anymore after that.

There’s this uncle. I am so sorry that I can’t remember his name even though I talked to him a lot. While the singspiration leaders prepared the song sheets and stuff like that, I started taking pictures of the kids. There’s kid, I call him the US kid because he wore a shirt with a big US on it. That uncle told me that he very notty one. Hehe… More like mischievous and curious. Then another one called Maverick. A bright kid. I tell you, the children there were so adorable.

Sunday school started right after the uncle asked the children to settle down. We introduced ourselves (I feel strangely weird) and then Hazel took over the singspiration assisted by Joyce the pianist and Juliana the guitarist. Games were taken over by Hooi Siang and Sam. Really nice to see the children enjoying themselves during the game time… Got a few videos of it but don’t have sound one!!! So irritating. But I might post it. Then storytelling time. I took over assisted by Hazel and Hooi Siang. The story of Jonah. The kids were quite attentive lor. I was so glad I was not being a total fool when telling the stories. I felt that it went rather well actually. The visual aids worked very well. I think it was an excellent way of getting their attention. I asked some questions after that and Shuang gave out the stickers to those who were able to answer the questions. Maverick gathered the most stickers. Then for memory verse, Eu Gin and Joyce took charge. Eu Gin was so shy. I think he didn’t feel that comfortable around kids. After that we got more games and singspiration.

After the Sunday school ended, we took pictures with the children. The kids were so curious to see themselves in the digital camera.

And then they started to play around with the visual aids. Like wayang kulit like that cos they played at the wall there. After that, we took a group picture for remembrance before the kids left for home.

Then that uncle gathered us and thanked us for coming. He told us that the Sunday school almost died a few years ago but managed to be revived. The kids that we saw were all not rich and some don’t really get to see their parents one lor. Joyce and Siang told me they were very touched. I guess all of us were la. KKGH were lacked of volunteers. The girl that played the piano and the uncle (which is her father) traveled all the way to KK from Ipoh to worship every Sunday. Haih~ He asked us to pray for them. The assembly actually consist of 7 members only. And yet, they grew in Sunday school. I learned that if we put our hearts at something, God will certainly bless us in ways unexpected. Joyce and I talked about going back if got a chance. Joyce even mentioned about serving as a volunteer there.
I forgot to mention about this guy. He’s 19 years old but because of fever, he learned slower and is not like the kids his age. Hooi Siang and I talked to him and we gave him our numbers. When that uncle told me about his situation, I was… aiya…I dunno what to say la… It’s like my heart stuck at my throat. It’s just so hard to describe my feeling. Eh, I think I remember his name d. Uncle Khaw Guan ar… I dunno la… Maybe I should just call him Uncle Guan. Earlier on before the Sunday school starts, Uncle Guan mentioned some of the kids and their condition at home to me. Haih~! I salute these people to be able to have such deep compassion in them. We might have compassion but maybe just not enough to move us to do something about it.
KKGH people~! Will really miss them!!
Before we went back to GLO, the boys attempted to coax Aunty Nancy to let them go back via the car lor. They said that it would be fair that way since they traveled by bus. Nyahnyahnyah! We won anyway. Aunty Nancy brought us back to Taiping and brought us for lunch. I was actually quiet restless cos’ Geng Yi messaged and said that he reached Taiping d. Waaa… I was so excited you know. I can’t wait to go back GLO. I can’t wait to see him. I can’t wait for Ju they all to come back to meet him! The first TRUE Malaccan ler! Tim Keong and Jun Yi tak kira la… Penang people ma. Aiyo… All four of us in the room were quite anxious to see a Malaccan le.